Growing Pains: Scaling a mixed-model healthcare business

3 min

Marco from Ansa sat down with Shilpa Patel, Chief Business & Legal Officer at Kindbody, to unpack a number of insights healthcare operators should consider when building a digital health business.  

Since joining Kindbody as a member of the founding team, Shilpa has seen firsthand how an early-stage company can evolve and scale its business model, unlock seemingly impossible partnerships, and ultimately become one of the largest digital health organizations in the country today serving millions of lives.

The key highlights covered in this video:

✓ The opportunities (and challenges) in pursuing a mixed business model - e.g. one that's both B2B and B2C

✓ How they navigated partnerships with some of the country’s largest, most established institutions

✓ Novel ways to think about pricing for employers, and where traditional “PMPM or PEPM” fee structures fall short

✓ The path from founding team in a mobile clinic to a +$1Bn business with a national footprint
